Triggers - Part 1

Let's dive into TRIGGERS, the real lever for our ads

Before even thinking about pictures, videos and carousels, we need to frame the problem we are going to solve. Needless to say, you MUST be solving a problem with whatever you’re offering.

That said, the way we show our understanding of the problem must go through some thinking.

Customers are willing to solve a problem BECAUSE the solution will unblock a new STATUS for them. We need to understand the INITIAL STATUS and the BENEFIT STATUS that they will reach with our solution.

A very basic example:
THE PROBLEM: The customer have acne

INITIAL STATUS: The customer is embarrassed because of that and feels insecure about their status.

THE TRIGGER: In 1 week I have a date and I want to look better

SOLUTION: Our product!

BENEFIT STATUS: Without acne I’ll feel better and lose my insecurities

This is how we make winning ads.

Focus on the TRIGGER not the problem.